[sum] Social Networks

In this week We learn about social network in various angle.

There are many network anywhere our background. Social networks have been more concerned by experts in various field in comparison with past. Thus Recently they contributed to an understanding of social networks too.
Some experts study social network as science. Social network is not only activity and relationship people to people but his/her favorite things.
sociologist robert putnam claims that united states citizens no longer know or trust their neighbors and thus communities have lost their social capital.

As A and B connect to the same people, they have equivalent positions in the network.

A webpage is considered popular if many other webpages link to it. for example in a Amazon.com people who will bought people make network there.

Social networks is formed whether A is central or bridge in community. The former has bonding capital and the latter has bridging capital.

Mark Granvetter said Sometimes acquaintances are more valuable than friends. That is weak relationship is better than strong relationship.

Social network as art is formed by our friend like cyworld. Also Social networks use pen, pencil, paper like Mark Lombardi, Global Networks. Even more horrific network is that sexchart is list made of kissed people so far. Sweatshop is that many kid living the third nation is extorted with low-wage. For example Sports wear like Soccer shoes, ball, is produted in NIKE.

The Map like DAE DONG EU-MAP producted by KIM JUNG-HO,Korean cartographer, is devised for tourist. Likewise, It is essential for using network people today to visualize web.


Usually I am introvert to everyone. But Now I endeavor to be extrovert man more and more because I want to make a many social network. I suprised that there are many social networks in our life I never hearded. Surely I know many community already I connected. I thinked I locate where I am. Have I bond or bridge capital? or not all. I am bridge rather than bond. The reason I thinked that I am not Charisma to people but I like to locate between people and people even though Anybody do not spotlight me. I am happy to enjoy them by me.


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

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